Introvert designers: stop pushing your business uphill
Mediocre work requires constant sales and marketing to maintain momentum. Exceptional work sells itself.
Mediocre work requires constant sales and marketing to maintain momentum. Exceptional work sells itself.
A simple formula to find your marketing sweet spot of expertise and reputation.
I’m a one-person business who attracts agency-sized projects. When you demonstrate reliability, size is no obstacle.
Generate qualified inbound leads so you never have to chase freelance work again.
How the battle of Whitaker’s vs. Cadbury perfectly encapsulates my market positioning strategy.
Referrals are the holy grail of freelance client acquisition. But they don’t come automatically, even for many experienced consultants. So, how do you get more referrals?
The gig-economy is creating a mismatch between personal expectation and economic reality.
Can independent consultants escape this medieval term for mercenaries?
Position yourself as a specialist for each client. You don’t have to pivot your entire business to that niche.
Fancy Dribbble shots, gratuitous animations, tarted-up Behance case studies, and unsolicited redesigns — what do these say about you as a designer?
Or, the danger of having too many eggs in one basket, and how to bounce back when that basket disappears.
Redefine your freelance service offering as a complementary process that delivers your ideal clients the most value.
Don’t passively accept what work comes your way. You can actively bend the direction of your freelance career.